In 2018, AS Design were commissioned to commence with Schematic Design after Daydream Island was decimated by Cyclone Debbie in 2017.

After several options were investigated, it was the Clients decision to rectify and re-instate the existing landscape and pool where possible.

The planting philosophy for the development included designating different planting zones for different areas. The zones included a colourful arrival experience consisting of classical plantings of coastal tropics but also flowering specimens.

Open ocean front areas consisted of hardy species able to withstand the exposed conditions while sheltered areas within the building interface comprised of lush deep green leafiness and perfumed flowers.

The central pool is encompassed by vibrant colour all year round with contrasting colours of foliage accentuating the pool shape as well as creating a distinctive and memorable experience when viewing from above.

The rainforest wing situated on the western side of the island nestled into the landform is aptly surrounded by lush rainforest species.

The official opening of the redevelopment was 15th of April 2019.


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